File sharing is the action of distributing electronic formats of information such as pdfs, excels, jpegs, etc, across the internet. It is very beneficial to many people such as helping college students find pdf versions of overpriced textbooks or finding movies online for a Saturday night in. File sharing is a great benefit of the internet because it allows people from all over the world to come together and upload files in one location which the whole world has access to. P2P sharing, peer-to-peer, is where normal internet users share files for other normal internet users without the need of a regulated middle man. This keeps information unbiased and lets users explore everything that is offered from users around the world.

Pirate Bay is a great example of a P2P file sharing site. It provides digital information on a surplus of topics in many formats. Another great example of a P2P file sharing site is RapidShare. In a NY Times article titled, "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied Web Access?", it states that RapidShare "is widely used for legitimate purposes — for advertising agencies wanting to show campaigns to clients around the world". This kind of technology does not have any limitation which is a huge advantage because of how much it can help users who are searching for information.


  1. I think P2P is very important especially for textbook that are mostly overpriced and not needed after the semester and there shouldn't be regulations or limitation to share those content. File sharing has been a saver for students all over the world and it gives opportunity to people who can't afford to buy those materials an opportunity to have it.


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