
New media is as broad as we want it to be. It can be from posting a video to uploading pictures on Instagram or even emailing some colleagues. When we post that video or upload that picture, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that that picture is out of our control. Much like our universe, the internet is also expanding so you never know how far that video or picture is going. You think that deleting it will remove it from the internet but it only removes it for you but not for everyone else because of our constant need to share everything we see. New media can overcome all geological boundaries so it is possible that your picture is in someones Whatsapp group chat in the other side of the world. This lack of privacy is a major issue with new media but it is supposed to make users from cautious and aware of the content that we let the world see. There should be a part of your life that the whole world does not need to see because then you do not own anything. Then you end up monetizing your whole life and left with no privacy. It is important for us to be able to control what we put out and to upload safe materials because you can never control who sees your information.   


  1. I agree that people should be wary about that they post on social media and should know their privacy settings to try to maintain their privacy this way. However, there are a large number of social media users who use it on a daily basis. The basic interaction of social media leads to their loss of privacy due to the user profile itself and the data that is continuously collected by these companies based on the activities of the user. People post a lot of information about themselves that give away a lot of personal information and social media encourages this interaction. People express concerns about and expect to have a certain amount of privacy on social media but don't always work towards actions that ensure their privacy, this is referred to as the "privacy paradox."


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