
As head of the New Media Department in Baruch College, there are a lot of changes that I would love to implement that would benefit the school and its' students. The first thing would be the creation of a Baruch app. This app would help students find information from location of different departments to any events that are taking place on campus. It helps students keep up with everything that is happening in school, especially Freshman's and new transfers because they can use this app to socialize and feel more welcome into the school. Currently, you would have to go to scavenge through different Instagram accounts, Facebook pages, or the Baruch website to find any useful information. I would love to consolidate everything into one app which will help students be more active on campus and add to the student experience of being on a commuter college. Another improvement would be the use of a separate software to collect data about how efficiently the school is running and what problems need to be addressed. Such as difficulties with elevators that is making disabled students harder to get to class or bathrooms that are out of service that need to be fixed. This will show students that Baruch is really looking out for their students and that they care about their voices.


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