
Wiki So Far

The work I have done on my wiki page has been going well. I recently contributed to the Religion wiki under "Islam" because it is my faith that i hold dearly and want anyone to benefit from it as much as possible. I plan on making some changes to my content based on some new information and to incorporate how new media has been aiding the growth and awareness of Islam which I failed to do. I have also uploaded a photo that correlates to the specific topic that I have contributed about. I also plan to add to the YouTube wiki because there are YouTube artists who deserve some recognition from the public and I would love to use this medium as a way to publicize their work more.


File sharing is the action of distributing electronic formats of information such as pdfs, excels, jpegs, etc, across the internet. It is very beneficial to many people such as helping college students find pdf versions of overpriced textbooks or finding movies online for a Saturday night in. File sharing is a great benefit of the internet because it allows people from all over the world to come together and upload files in one location which the whole world has access to. P2P sharing, peer-to-peer, is where normal internet users share files for other normal internet users without the need of a regulated middle man. This keeps information unbiased and lets users explore everything that is offered from users around the world. Pirate Bay is a great example of a P2P file sharing site. It provides digital information on a surplus of topics in many formats. Another great example of a P2P file sharing site is RapidShare. In a NY Times article titled, "Should Online Scofflaws Be Denied


New media is as broad as we want it to be. It can be from posting a video to uploading pictures on Instagram or even emailing some colleagues. When we post that video or upload that picture, it is perfectly reasonable to assume that that picture is out of our control. Much like our universe, the internet is also expanding so you never know how far that video or picture is going. You think that deleting it will remove it from the internet but it only removes it for you but not for everyone else because of our constant need to share everything we see. New media can overcome all geological boundaries so it is possible that your picture is in someones Whatsapp group chat in the other side of the world. This lack of privacy is a major issue with new media but it is supposed to make users from cautious and aware of the content that we let the world see. There should be a part of your life that the whole world does not need to see because then you do not own anything. Then you end up monetizi


As head of the New Media Department in Baruch College, there are a lot of changes that I would love to implement that would benefit the school and its' students. The first thing would be the creation of a Baruch app. This app would help students find information from location of different departments to any events that are taking place on campus. It helps students keep up with everything that is happening in school, especially Freshman's and new transfers because they can use this app to socialize and feel more welcome into the school. Currently, you would have to go to scavenge through different Instagram accounts, Facebook pages, or the Baruch website to find any useful information. I would love to consolidate everything into one app which will help students be more active on campus and add to the student experience of being on a commuter college. Another improvement would be the use of a separate software to collect data about how efficiently the school is running and what p

Creativity and New Media



New media gives users the freedom to express their opinions and art however they see fit, as long as they are not infringing on the rights of others. In the New York Times article "Disney Tolerates a Rap Parody of Its Critters. But Why?" it states, "The postings (called mash-ups), are made by editing together snippets of animated movies and TV shows.", which is referring to the edits that users make on popular shows to mimic popular songs. For example, mashing up Disney characters to make it look like they are singing the popular Soulja Boy song "Crank that (Soulja Boy). Instead of going after the makers of the video, Disney allowed the video to be publicly shared and generate views because of the mass popularity behind the videos. This approach allows other users to be as creative as they please when editing other works of art.

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds opens a whole new arena to create, build, and live another life. Minecraft is a great example of how creativity can be taken to a whole new level and where you can build a new world. The gaming industry is constantly getting bigger and fighting to incorporate the latest tech into the games to keep users satisfied. It states in the Forbes article "After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot?" that, "it’s a space for kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others to also want to build and create things." Vitrual world is a great tool to encourage kids to think outside the box. It is even being incorporated into businesses due to its convenience. It can be used to gather employees for meetings from virtually anywhere. According to the CNN article "Going to the virtual office in Second Life", it explained how a company is adopting virtual world as a way to hold a meeting between leaders who are in Europe and Asia. Although